Employers Resources

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Are you looking to upskill your employees while also gaining access to future talent? If so, hiring Apprentices, becoming a T-Level employer or providing work placements could provide the perfect solution.

Offering a range of benefits for both employer and employee alike, these programs offer an invaluable opportunity for businesses to bridge the gap between education and industry. By investing in an apprentice, trainee or work placement student, you can develop talented individuals who can make a real difference to your company’s growth. Apprentices increase productivity in a business by over £11,000 a year on average, according to the CEBR.

At Central Training Group, we understand the need for skilled employees within growing businesses. With 40 years experience as a training provider, we will develop your workforce through our tailored training programs. With Central Training Group’s expertise and guidance, you can rest assured that together we can build an employee team that will propel your business forward.

Contact us today or check out the helpful resources below to get started.

What can I expect from Central Training Group Apprenticeships?

Hair &


If you’re a hair & beauty business looking for fresh talent, and to build your pipeline of juniors, contact us about the types of skills.



Build your core support functions with new talent and a new outlook. From admin teams, customer service and operations management, these apprenticeships set your talent on the right path.
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Apprenticeship Standards​

New Apprenticeship Standards have been developed by employers. Information on individual programme areas and subjects can be found by clicking the button below.

Apprenticeship Standards differ from the Apprenticeship Frameworks, in that in some standards, there is no requirement for the Apprentice to complete a formal qualification. However, the Apprentice must still demonstrate how they have met the skills, knowledge & behaviours set out in the standard.

As part of the new Apprenticeship Standard all Apprentices will be required to complete a mandatory End Point Assessment.

The End Point Assessment can include many forms, but in most cases the Apprentice will be required to sit an online exam, complete a practical assessment as well as be observed in their workplace or complete a formal discussion.  The Apprentice will also produce a portfolio of evidence during the apprenticeship course.

If you’d like to hire an apprentice, please get in contact with us. Details on hiring an apprentice can be found here -> Hiring apprentices for your business

Learn More About


The Education and Skills Funding Agency is the Government Department who funds post 16 education via colleges, private training providers and employers.

Information on the Agency, Levy and Non-Levy learner funding can be found by clicking the relevant button below.

To find out more about the latest Government incentive, please visit our Government Incentive Information page.



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A member of our team will be in touch.  If your request is urgent, please contact us on 0800 783 2901.
Central Training Academy Team with our Provider of the Year Award at The AAC Conference Day 2 held at the ICC in Birmingham.
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