The pandemic has likely taken it’s toll on your mental health, and as we go into winter, the weeks ahead can look bleak. However, there is a lot you can do to help yourself.

You may be concerned about completing your apprenticeship or traineeship. Or maybe, other aspects of your life, like relationships and taking care of yourself are suffering.

At Central, we are hugely aware of the anxiety that simply being way from a regular routine can induce. So, we wanted to remind you that we have an excellent team of mentors among our staff who are ready and able to help you with any problems or issues you may be facing.

What can I do?

Simply just talking will in itself be a huge relief. Airing your concerns can be the first step to seeing some light at the end of the tunnel. All the conversations you will have with our mentoring team are confidential and their support has already been invaluable to many of our learners.

During the first lockdown, some of our learners shared a few of their fears and concerns with us via videos we posted on Instagram. Better still, they told us some of the techniques and ideas they felt had helped them get through.

We’ve put together some handy tips for you below which may help. Some from our learners, some from our tutors and some from mental health advocates we admire and follow. Most of all, don’t struggle in silence. Get in touch with our mentoring team via your tutors and let us help! And in the meantime, why not give some of these ideas a go?

Memory Wall

Make a memory wall in your room or home full of pictures of friends, events and places that make you happy. When you’re feeling a bit down, refer back to it and remember that this time will pass and your current situation is not final.

Memory Wall for Mental Health


Don’t underestimate the value of breathing. Take deep slow breaths when you feel anxious and simply focus on your breath. Try breathing in for 6 seconds through your nose, then breathe out through your mouth for 2 seconds. It’s amazing how quickly this can calm you.

Breathe for Mental Health


Keep a journal. So many people find writing down their thoughts and fears helps them feel that they are not so insurmountable. It can be great for gaining some perspective.

Journal for Mental Health


Exercise – doesn’t matter what you do as long as you get moving. This will give you a mental boost and activities such as yoga will also help you relax. Although it may be cold outside, a brisk walk may help to clear your mind.

Exercise for Mental Health

Helpful Apps

Check out apps that are available to download such as Calm and Headspace. Easy to use and highly effective in combatting stress, anxiety and a sense of panic.

Helpful Apps for Mental Health


Talk about your feelings. Whether you choose a friend, family member or one of our mentors, sharing your concerns is a great step towards helping you feel calmer.

CTG Heros - mentor - mental health


Remember our team of mentors are here for you, Simply contact your tutor to arrange a chat. If you’re in Essex then Louise is your mentor; for our London apprentices and trainees, it’s Sharon and for those in Harlow, Herts and Beds, business trainees and Smithfield, it’s Mary. Faith is our mentor for those trainees who undertake in salon learning.

(If you’d prefer to talk to someone else, please check out our Mental Health Resource Page here and get in touch with one of the many helpful charities).

If you have any other ideas that have helped you, don’t be afraid to comment below. You may just help someone who is struggling today!

Be kind to yourself and take care of your mental health.

Thank you for contacting us

A member of our team will be in touch with you shortly.If your request is urgent, please contact us on 0800 783 2901.
Central Training Closed Xmas Message