Looking After your Mental Health

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In uncertain times, our world can seem scary and overwhelming. In these times, we must make sure we prioritise our mental health. It is normal to feel anxious, worried, concerned or stressed about what is going on in your life or the outside world. You are not alone in feeling this way. Everyone reacts differently […]

A message to our students on MENTAL HEALTH

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The pandemic has likely taken it’s toll on your mental health, and as we go into winter, the weeks ahead can look bleak. However, there is a lot you can do to help yourself. You may be concerned about completing your apprenticeship or traineeship. Or maybe, other aspects of your life, like relationships and taking […]

Fantastic Resources to Continue your Hairdressing Studies at home

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During the pandemic, our amazing tutors here at Central all teamed up to provide you with a list of fantastic resources for hairdressing students: online resources that help you to continue your hairdressing studies at home and keep you busy through lockdown. Although we’re no longer in lockdown, these resources are still gold! We’ve included […]

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Central Training Closed Xmas Message