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Learners at Beauty Skills Academy, part of Central Training Group, joined hair learners in using the lockdown period to push creative boundaries with the “Lockdown Look” Competition. The Lockdown Look Competition With the Southend based Academy forced to close its doors during lockdown, tutors responded to the fabulous outpouring of creativity from learners by launching […]

Covid-19 Job Retention Scheme for Employers 2021

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Boris Johnson’s Job Retention Scheme, which started last year, has been extended until April 30th 2021. The emergency wage package was implemented to help all employees whose wages could be hit by COVID-19, with the government underwriting 80% of salary up to £2,500 a month for employees who are not working. The new Coronavirus Job […]

Zac Gabrel is Going From Success to Success

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We’re very excited to say that our learner Zac Gabrel has been announced as the Apprentice of the Month for September 2019 by the widely respected Concept Hair magazine. We’d like to congratulate him on this remarkable achievement. In addition to this success, Zac is also a finalist in the Salon International Student of the […]

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Central Training Closed Xmas Message