School Leavers Resources
Now Welcoming 2024 School Leaver Applications
So you’re leaving school and excited to get your career started. At Central we know just how that feels and, what’s more, we are perfectly placed to ensure you make the right choices about what’s next. Check out the resources on this page to help you make a more informed decision.
Many of our friendly team started out as apprentices so they know exactly how you feel and can help get your career underway in a whole range of fields – from hairdressing to business administration, retail to digital marketing!
Whatever happens in terms of exams in the summer of this year, Central are currently welcoming applications from all Year 11 leavers. While the situation may change, and we will update our website accordingly, our commitment to helping you get the career of your dreams!
That’s why we suggest having a chat with our team right now to find out what your options are. We’ve literally helped thousands of young people embark on successful careers that are rewarding in every way, so why not let us help you?
Give us a call on 0800 783 2901 to speak to one of our lovely team, or check out the resources below to help you start creating your future.
What is studying
with ctg like?
We asked our current learners, what their experience of training and learning with us was like.
Here is what they had to say:

Interested in an Apprenticeship?
We are taking applications and offering places for courses starting in September.
If you hadn’t previously considered an apprenticeship and are thinking about it after a pathway programme – or if you’ve already found a workplace, then why not read up on our traineeship and apprenticeship courses.
Apprenticeship Standards differ from the Apprenticeship Frameworks, in that in some standards, there is no requirement for the Apprentice to complete a formal qualification. However, the Apprentice must still demonstrate how they have met the skills, knowledge & behaviours set out in the standard.
As part of the new Apprenticeship Standard all Apprentices will be required to complete a mandatory End Point Assessment.
The End Point Assessment can include many forms, but in most cases the Apprentice will be required to sit an online exam, complete a practical assessment as well as be observed in their workplace or complete a formal discussion. The Apprentice will also produce a portfolio of evidence during the apprenticeship course.
If you’d like to hire an apprentice, please get in contact with us. Details on hiring an apprentice can be found here -> Hiring apprentices for your business
What can I do
until September?
September may feel a long way away, but there is a lot of things you can do in the meantime to help make sure you make the right choice for your future.
Enrolling in a Pathway Course. Start could be a life-saver! With a Pathway course you can study whatever vocational course you want from 1st August. These courses are a path into either a college or apprenticeship programme, and allow you to get real hands on experience without the huge commitment of a long course.
You could also test out the waters by attending one of our Central Training Open Days. We hold events throughout the year at our centres, and in schools and the local area, where you get the chance to speak to our tutors and current learners. At some of our hairdressing open days, you even get to see live demonstrations!
And why not follow us on social media? You’ll get to see first hand what is happening at Central Training Group, and what our students have been up to. You might find yourself inspired into making your next move!
enrol in a
pathway course
Join one of our
open days
School Leavers
What is studying with Central Hairdressing like?
Wondering "What is studying with Central Hairdressing like?". Well, you've come to the right place! Here from our present and...
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School Leavers