Central Training


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How to Become a work experience employer

Industry Placements_

Some young people are keen to take the first steps to employment but have not yet gained any workplace skills. This is where you can be a vital part of a young person’s progression into employment, by becoming a work experience employer!

How to become a Work Experience Employer

You can, either:

  • Offer a placement for a young person completing a Traineeship.

  • Offer a placement for a young person completing one of our college-based Study Programmes.

These two options are a great way for you to give short-term commitment to a young person who will benefit from your experience and build up their workplace skills which will enable them to progress to an Apprenticeship. You may be happy to offer this progression route yourself or they can progress to another employer.

What’s more, the new Government incentive which runs from 1st August 2020 until 31st July 2022 means that all employers providing traineeship work placements will receive £1,000.

If you are unable to offer a work experience placement then maybe you can come into college and offer a demonstration of skills or give a talk to learners about working in your industry?

Industry Placements_

Work Experience Employers Criteria

Work Experience Employers must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be a registered business

  • Must hold Liability Insurance that includes cover for volunteers on placement

  • Must pay learner expenses such as transport and meals

  • Must not include learner on your PAYE Scheme

  • Must provide meaningful work tasks

How much do apprentices get paid?

The amount an apprentice gets paid increases every year. The amount they are paid is also influenced by their age and how far into their apprenticeship they are:

  • Apprentices aged under 19 and in the first year of their apprenticeship are paid the minimum wage for apprentices.
  • Apprentices over 19 and in their 2nd year of their apprenticeship must be paid the National Minimum Wage for their age group. 


Please check the table below, taken from the from the Governments’ National Minimum Wage page.  

Ever Considered Hiring a Trainee or Apprentice?

Do you have a long list of goals you want to achieve, while setting your team up for the future? Hiring an apprentice will set you on the right path.

An Apprentice can help your business in a number of ways. As well as adding resource for some of your functions, apprenticeships can set the tone for the learning and development in your organisation.

Apprentices increase productivity in a business by £214 a week on average (according to the CEBR). 

That’s over £11,000 a year. 

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